For almost 100 millennia when vast amounts of seawater was tied up as continental ice sheets across the northern hemisphere, the coast of Southeast Asia extended hundreds or even thousands of km farther out to sea than it is now, stretching across what’s now the maritime continent toward Australia. Seas rapidly rose hundreds of feet

Ho Chi Minh City
Arrived yesterday in Ho Chi Minh City, which locals still call Saigon. It’s a sprawling tropical city of 14 million people. Sweltering, vibrant, prosperous, polluted, insanely crowded, boisterous, overwhelming. Surprisingly (to me anyway) it feels much happier than Japan. We visited a Buddhist temple in Chinatown which was very different than our experience with temples

At Sea: Japan to Vietnam
Because of the coronavirus outbreak, we had to skip our scheduled stay in Shanghai and therefore have been sailing straight to Vietnam. On our last day in Japan, we went into Kyoto to visit a street market and historic neighborhood. On the bus back to the ship, the tour guide asked me how long it